First post
Hello! This is my first post on my new site.
I built this site as one of my projects; some time ago I built and hosted my own website on a Raspberry Pi Zero W that I bought for fun one day. However, I changed my ISP and since then my home IP has been non-static, and I’m too cheap to pay for hosting (haha), so since then my domain has just been for my email.
Jekyll seems very cool and relatively simple to use, although I’m still trying to understand how all the pieces fit together. It’s certainly much easier than the full LAMP stack I was using before. It’s worth noting that I have no training as a web dev, I just muck around and find things out myself.
I intend to host this on Github which ought to make future blog posts easy (just commit and push a new file), but I don’t know if I can use my own domain for it. I hear you can, but haven’t looked into it yet.
Part of the motivation for making a blogging platform is that there are a lot of things that other people do as hobbies that are super interesting to me; however , as I said on the landing page, I consider myself to be a super generalist.
I think of myself in terms of the Pareto Principle, which in general states that for any cause-and-effect relationship, 20% of the causes result in 80% of the effects. In the case of learning new things, 80% of the outcome can be achieved by the first 20% of the effort; the remaining 80% of the effort goes into the final 20% of the result.
I believe that I’m significantly better at the first 20% than the last 80%, and would rather be 80% good at 5 things than 100% good at 1 thing anyway. As a result, I like to dip my toes into lots of stuff, and want to use this as a place to catalogue the toe-dipping.
It’s possible that I’ll need a more deep directory structure for my projects, or perhaps a search box. I’ll use the Jekyll tag feature for now and hope that in future, if I don’t find a way to leverage it, I can just script something clumsily myself to do the job.
Okay, that’s all for this one; I will go make a couple of posts for my old projects now (which I expect to be brief as they’re post-hoc).